“Rat Race”

“Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle but definitely awesome in the end. The solution to getting out of the rat race is delayed gratification with a plan. You just need to have a plan to reach your financial goals. If you have a plan, it becomes easier to resist the urge for immediate satisfaction. And when you want to spend money, you spend it with peace of mind. You are more conscious of your behaviours and you are aware of how they fit into your financial plan. By doing this, you are in control of your money and have the financial flexibility to make the choices you value and make you happy.”


I came across Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book in my late teens. At my age back then, the content of the book had introduced me to how harsh reality can be if we did not make the right decisions with our money as well as in life. From what I have read, the book had exposed to me upon how we can strive to achieve financial freedom by accumulating our passive income.

One of my greatest fears would be that I am unable to support my own day-to-day expenses, leaving me no option but to work and not being able to pursue my goals and dreams in the future. Hence, using this fear and converting it into a motivation and passion, this is what motivated me to start investing and I have no intentions of quitting anytime soon.

Anyway, here’s a good read I found regarding the “Rat Race” which I dread.

Getting out of the rat race


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